Several SOFH members have been working on the N-11 replica in recent months.. We have made substantial progress. We have the tail skid ready to glue to a strut, both are in the hanger, and we need to make a tail skid mount that will mate with the fuselage. We will figure this out come the weekend. Rick Johnston will be making the landing
gear attach brackets and he will also make the mounting straps for the bulkheads.
Once the fuselage is structurally complete we will need to build the cabane struts and start the wing. We have the wood for a good portion of ribs. We will buy more wood for the remainder when needed. We will need some wood for the spars and struts. Rick, the foreman, believes we could have the aircraft ready for wing assembly before the month of November is over.
As always, if you would like to help, please contact any SOFH member or call Ralph Weber our President at 256-520-7133. We are always looking for new members to lighten the load of a pretty ambitious build schedule for the N-11 and the flyable N-17.